Sunday, 27 July 2014

chinese helicopter z10

China today confirmed it had developed its first modern military attack helicopter, but denied reports that the chopper was a replica of stolen US Black Hawk technology. The Chinese announcement comes weeks after a major US defence contractor, United Technologies, told a US court that it may have violated an embargo on export of controlled technology to China. The company agreed to the pay a USD 75 million fine in connection with the export violation. 
The American company had entered the Chinese aviation software market, knowing that its export of modified software would allow China to test and develop its new military helicopter, called the Z-10. 
The Chinese announcement comes in the backdrop of increasing accusations by the United States that Beijing was spying and hacking into programmes of American defence contractors
What is Z-10 ?
Primary mission of the Z-10 is ant-armor and battlefield interdiction. It also has some limited air-to-air combat capabilities. The Z-10 helicopter has a standard gunship configuration with a narrow fuselage and stepped tandem cockpits. Gunner is seated at the front and the pilot is at the rear. The fuselage has sloped sides to reduce radar cross section. All vital areas are believed to be protected by armor plates. Weapons of the Z-10 may consist of 30-mm cannon, HJ-9 anti-tank guided missiles (comparable to the TOW-2A), newly developed HJ-10 anti-tank missiles (comparable to the AGM-114 Hellfire) and TY-90 air-to-air missiles. It can also carry unoperated rocket pods.  The prototype of the Z-10 is powered by two Canadian Pratt & Whitney PT6C-67C turboshaft engines, delivering 1 531 hp each. However indigenous engines might be used on production helicopters. It might use the same engine of the WZ-9 helicopter, but it is less powerful than Canadian design. This helicopter may be fitted with a fly-by-wire control, helmet-mounted sight for head-up display, television and forward-looking infrared sensors, radar and laser warning receivers, infrared jammer and decoy dispensers.

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